There are \(n\) parties \(P_1,\cdots,P_n\) with private inputs \(x_1,\cdots,x_n\) that want to jointly compute a function \(y=f(x_1,\cdots,x_n),\) but not leak their own input to the other parties.
If \(n=2\), then we call that secure two-party computation (2PC). If \(n\geq 3\), we call that secure multiparty computation (MPC).
The adversary corrupts a subset of the parties and makes them collude to break security of the protocol. Many security goals of MPC:
For Fairness, only possible if there is an honest majority. Therefor, fair 2PC is impossible!
For Privacy, Correctness and Input independence,
[GMW87] Goldreich, Oded, S. Micali and A. Wigderson. “How to play ANY mental game.” STOC '87 (1987).
[DPSZ11] Ivan Damgård, Valerio Pastro, Nigel P. Smart, and Sarah Zakarias. "Multiparty computation from somewhat homomorphic encryption". CRYPTO 2012.
本文标题: 安全多方计算
本文作者: 云中雨雾
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最后编辑时间: 2020-12-29T15:57:50+08:00