
    2020/12/29 15:57 下午 标签: #密码学理论

    Defining MPC

    There are \(n\) parties \(P_1,\cdots,P_n\) with private inputs \(x_1,\cdots,x_n\) that want to jointly compute a function \(y=f(x_1,\cdots,x_n),\) but not leak their own input to the other parties.

    If \(n=2\), then we call that secure two-party computation (2PC). If \(n\geq 3\), we call that secure multiparty computation (MPC).


    The adversary corrupts a subset of the parties and makes them collude to break security of the protocol. Many security goals of MPC:

    1. Privacy: Parties only learn the output of \(f\).
    2. Correctness: If a party receives \(y\), then \(y=f(x_1,\cdots,x_n)\).
    3. Input independence: Corrupt parties' inputs can't depend on honest parties' inputs.
    4. Fairness: If the adversary learns the output, so do the honest parties.

    Some Results

    For Fairness, only possible if there is an honest majority. Therefor, fair 2PC is impossible!

    For Privacy, Correctness and Input independence,

    • Information-theoretic security if more than \(\frac{2}{3}n\) parties are honest. (Veritable secret sharing + Error correcting codes)
    • Computational security if at least one party is honest.
      • "Classical" approach:
        • Parties commit to their inputs
        • In each step, parties prove in zero-knowledge that they followed the protocol ( e.g. [GMW87])
      • "Modern" approach: compute on shares of authenticated data (e.g. [DPSZ11])


    Stanford CS335 Lecture

    [GMW87] Goldreich, Oded, S. Micali and A. Wigderson. “How to play ANY mental game.” STOC '87 (1987).

    [DPSZ11] Ivan Damgård, Valerio Pastro, Nigel P. Smart, and Sarah Zakarias. "Multiparty computation from somewhat homomorphic encryption". CRYPTO 2012.